You’ll Never Succeed with One Foot Out the Door

Jay Gross
4 min readJun 30, 2021
bulletin board with notes on it
Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

If you’ve read any of my articles, you know one thing — I look back on my twenties with much regret.

I was a dreamer, but I was NOT an action taker.

Maybe you’ve been there — so many people have.

And many of us still are.

So what does it take to change that?

What will it take for you to stop looking back with regret for missed opportunities and chances not taken?

What is it that stops us from succeeding — at times even trying — at something you long for so deeply?

It’s All About Your Beliefs

buddhism monk meditating in the mountains
Image by 4144132 from Pixabay

At its simplest, there’s one thing that holds you back.

No, it’s not that you’re too busy.

It’s not your significant other.

It’s not that you don’t have the money.

And it’s certainly not that you’re not good enough, or that you don’t know enough, or that you’re not as good as Person X, and you’re silly for thinking you could do that like them — which is a long way of saying Imposter Syndrome.

At the end of the day, the only thing holding you back is yourself.

Your limiting beliefs fill you with self-doubt, fear, and imposter syndrome — and that tantalizing possibility you were so excited about

  • Asking someone out.
  • Going all-in for a promotion.
  • Going back to school.
  • Starting your dream business.

And then we either quit and watch our aspirations fade, or we continue forward — tentatively.

You play small. Because if you play small and just “dabble” instead of going all-in, then when you fail — because you will fail when you play small — you can tell yourself and anyone listening that you “weren’t really trying that hard anyway.”

And that protects you from feeling defeated and like a failure, both to yourself and anyone close to you that may be looking and listening to what you’re doing.

But the truth is, as soon as you decided to play small, the outcome was already written in the stars, as they say.

Time For You to Play Full Out

Photo by Gabe Pierce on Unsplash

If you really want something, you have to break that habit.

You have to stop being afraid of failure.

You have to stop being afraid of what others may think.

You have to stop selling yourself short.

Your brain works hard to keep you alive. However, it doesn’t care about success or happiness; all it cares about is keeping you safe.

That’s why you get push-back every time you step outside your comfort zone. Your brain wants you safe and secure, well within your comfort zone.

But to grow — to be successful and happy — you have to step outside your comfort zone and into your growth zone.

So today, take a look at something in your life. Something you’re doing, or you really want to do.

And decide you’re going to play full out.

You’re going to stop getting limited by these beliefs, and you’re going to go forward no matter how much the fear and self-doubt try to convince you that you can’t, you shouldn’t, or you’re not good enough.

Because you can’t be successful at anything with one foot out the door — and that’s how most of us pursue our dreams.

Everyone who’s successful has gone through those feelings of inadequacy and fear, and they’ll all tell you the same thing — if they had listened to those limiting beliefs, they wouldn’t be where they are today.

For me, I’m writing my first and second books, and I’m creating courses on personal growth and creating a business you love.

I’m putting it out there because it makes it more real. It holds me accountable.

And you should too.

So decide today to play full out with something you’ve been dreaming about doing.

Maybe you’ve been struggling to keep the momentum since you’ve started, or maybe you haven’t even been able to start.

We all have something.

So rather than let it fade away, or take up space in that perpetual room in your mind — along with all your dreams that were never pursued.

Decide you’re going to go after it — no matter what.

So what are you struggling with doing (or starting) that you’re deciding — today — to play full out with?

That you’re deciding to move forward with, full-steam ahead — fear be damned.

Say it aloud, put it in the comments section, tell a friend. Do something to put it out in the world, and then go for it.

With both feet in — no turning back.

And remember, don’t ask HOW; ask WHY.

Hi, I’m Jay Gross, a mango-obsessed entrepreneur, and mindset coach. A writer and creator focused on personal growth and business. Helping others to live their best life one day at a time. Find me at or email me at



Jay Gross

Jay Gross is a writer, podcast host, lives to travel, with an unhealthy mango obsession. Focused on personal growth. Find him at