Master a New Skill to Take Your Personal Growth Next Level

Jay Gross
5 min readJun 25, 2021
successful businessman jumping on end of dock
Image by Mariana Anatoneag from Pixabay

I have a problem.

I’m addicted to personal growth.

At any given time, I’m reading a new book, taking a new course, starting a new business, creating a podcast…

It just never ends.

I always want more.

Are you addicted too?

And a more important question — do you master a new skill before you move on?

Or does it end up fading away?

Shiny Object Syndrome

white and brown guinea pig on white paper distracting
Image by Mariana Anatoneag from Pixabay

Okay, I admit it — I have shiny object syndrome.

Basically, I see a new way to grow, and I jump at it.

And then, in the middle of that one, I jump at another.

And then another.

At any given time, I have about 5–7 new things I’m trying.

It’s only natural that I won’t finish them all.

But the fact is, with life, work, and everything else outside of learning new skills, I’m not as good at finishing as I am at starting.

And, my friends, that’s a huge problem.

And that’s when the what-ifs set in.

Fear, Imposter Syndrome, and Limiting Beliefs, OH MY!

fear controls and limiting beliefs
Image by John Hain from Pixabay

Let me ask you this:

Have you ever started something brand new, and you’re so excited to be: Starting a new business, creating your first YouTube channel, developing your first teaching course, or (insert your endeavor here)?

But then, our ugly friend fear sets in by way of: Imposter syndrome, limiting beliefs, self-doubt.

And you start thinking, ‘what if?’ And ‘what will my friend’s think?’ And ‘I don’t even know why I tried, I can’t do this.’ And ‘what will happen if/when I fail?’

And before you know it, your new skill is sitting on the shelf collecting dust with all your other recently scrapped endeavors:

  • Your new podcast.
  • Your Toastmasters public speaking workshops.
  • The Etsy shop you were building.

To be thought about with regret years later, but never to be touched again.

And that shelf soon becomes two shelves, and then the whole bookcase.

Taking Action is the Most Important Step…But…

Taking action is what will get you started.

Most of us toil away and think too much about it, waiting for the perfect time.

We just have to know a little more, or have a little more money, or a little more time.

These are all fear-based excuses, and what everyone is waiting for is actually just a little more courage.

But that courage never comes, and the perfect time never comes.

And so we don’t even start.

So taking action is the first step, and therefore the most important.

After all:

Action leads to confidence, not the other way around.

Confidence isn’t something we’re born with. It’s not something you naturally have in abundance.

Confidence is something you grow.

And to grow it, you must take action.

The Second Most Important Step

person holding black camera lense focusing
Photo by Paul Skorupskas on Unsplash

As Jim Rohn always said:

Where the focus goes, the energy flows.

Not only is it important to avoid shiny object syndrome and focus on the new skill or endeavor until its complete.

It’s just as important to focus on the right things — the good and not the bad.

Focus on success, positivity, the awesome things you’re going to do with your new podcast, certification, or business.

Don’t focus on the negative — failure, what-ifs, and negative beliefs.

In NASCAR they teach the drivers to focus on the open road when they’re in a spinout, and NOT the wall.

Because when they focus on the wall, or what NOT to do, that’s where they always end up.

Yet when they focus on the open track, the odds that they’ll recover skyrocket.

Sure, focusing on success won’t automatically ensure that you will succeed, but it’ll give you a helluva lot better chance than focusing on the negative.

Try this:

Each day, take 15 minutes to meditate on the positive outcomes of whatever it is you’re doing. To do this:

  1. Go to a quiet room.
  2. Close your eyes and meditate.
  3. Focus intently on where you’ll be from now.
  4. Be very specific: What are you wearing? Where are you? Who are you with? What are you feeling?
  5. Repeat every day.

Why do this? Because the truth is this:

Your mind can’t tell the difference between reality and vivid imagination.

So when you focus on the negative possible outcomes (like we all do…naturally), your mind acts as if you already failed. Self-doubt creeps in; you start questioning yourself and why you’re even trying the thing you were so excited about just days before.

And do you think that’s a good way to succeed?

You’re much better off if you can work on thinking positively because once you start doing that daily, you walk around as if you’ve already succeeded, you grow your confidence every day — even though you haven’t succeeded yet.

It’s “act as if you already have the job you want” taken to the next level.

Because once you learn to focus on the positive daily (and make it a habit) instead of the negative, you begin to learn what the most successful people on this planet have known for so long:

The only thing stopping you is yourself. But you’re also the only thing that can propel you to success.

Anyway, this got A LOT more winded than I intended, so let me wrap it up with a few questions for you.

Take Your Personal Growth to the Next Level — What Will You Do?

Image by cocoparisienne from Pixabay

So while I’m on my journey and learning to focus on the next thing (I’ll tell you what later, so you can hold me accountable), what are you going to do?

Let's do this together — I invite you to go on this journey with me.

First, choose a new skill you’d like to master and investigate your options for learning it.

Then, answer the following questions:

  • How will you use it?
  • How will you keep it up and get to the finish line?

Answer in the comments section below — let's hold each other accountable.

Oh, what I’m doing? I’m:

  • Writing my first e-book.
  • Creating a course on personal growth.
  • Creating a course on starting a business you love.

How about you?

Hi, I’m Jay Gross. Mango-obsessed entrepreneur, mindset coach. Writer and creator focused on personal growth and business. Helping others to live their best life one day at a time. Find me at or email me at



Jay Gross

Jay Gross is a writer, podcast host, lives to travel, with an unhealthy mango obsession. Focused on personal growth. Find him at