Laugh More (So You Can Stress Less)

Jay Gross
6 min readDec 1, 2020
guy and dog laughing
Photo by Ilie Pastor on Scopio

When was the last time you laughed?

I mean belly laughed.

Laughed so hard you cried.

Laughed so hard milk shot out your nose and sprayed the person across from you.

Sadly, it’s been a long, long time for me.

And I have a feeling that may be you too.

Maybe it was Christmas with your family years ago; so long it almost feels more like a dream now.

Maybe it was just a month ago when you were in a better place before an unforeseen stressor took hold.

Maybe it was when you were 12 years old; before you had a care in the world and life was just what it’s supposed to be — fun.

But the older you get, the longer it gets between the laughter.

Why is that? I’m just going to say it — that sucks.

You know how much the stress of everyday life consumes us.

But you also know how great smiling and laughter feels.

We all remember that feeling of not long ago when things seemed cheery and bright, and the outlook was always great. Nothing could knock us down.

Then we become adults, and everything knocks us down, at least a little. It’s like we shook a Magic 8-Ball and got the dreaded Outlook Not So Good.

And if you’ve been paying attention this year…well, it’s like the world shook that Magic 8-Ball.

But here’s the good news, all you have to do is rewind a little and get to your roots. That laughter is still there. That person from so long ago still exists. It’s all just buried under the stress of adulthood — under piles of bills and worries.

And we all need to get back to it, because not only is laughing good for your mood, it also relieves stress, gives you more confidence, and — get this — even has an abundance of health benefits.

And that’s why I wanted to talk a little about laughing more. Well, that and, I think we could all use a good laugh every day. I want to see more smiles out there.

So read on for some great reasons to make it a point to stress less and laugh more.

Pull You Out of Your Funk and Get in a Better Mood

We’ve all been there: you’re having a bad day, and against your better judgment, you meet a friend for a drink — and then a funny thing happens — you’re laughing, having fun, and suddenly your troubles seem so distant.

It’s like taking an aspirin for your bad day. It gets rid of the ache.

The good feelings and endorphins released from laughing can last for hours afterward, and the outlook you get from a little conversation and laughter can last far longer.

You start looking at life positively again, understanding that your problems aren’t so bad, and those that are, well, you’ll eventually get through them.

Laughter has a way of doing that, of making everything a little better.

Just imagine if you made it a point to find laughter like that every day.

Stress Less, Laugh More

two people laughing more and having a good time

This deserves its own headline because, well, we’re all stressed out all the time, aren’t we? And that was before the year that tested everything we knew.

Life is stressful, and I don’t know if there’s a better way to relieve stress than a good laugh.

Even science says so.

And, hey, are you one of those people that has tried to meditate but can never seem to stick with it?

What if you tried, instead, to set aside ten minutes to laugh every day?

Did you know it has many of the same health benefits?

Maybe it’s something to consider…

Strengthen Your Physical & Mental Health

women laughing and posing on beach
Photo by willow mcdonough on Scopio

But laughter is more than just a temporary fix; you’re playing the long game too.

Because laughter has a myriad of physical and mental health benefits:

  • Boosting your immune system
  • Releasing endorphins
  • Strengthening the heart
  • Burning calories
  • And more…

And don’t forget about the fact that laughing is just simply — fun.

Do You Want to be More Attractive?

Do you want to enhance your social life? Do you want people to find you more attractive?

Maybe even find that special someone?

Laughter and a good sense of humor can do that.

When you walk into a party, who do you notice first? Where do you gravitate? Do you find yourself drawn to the group that’s laughing and having a great time?

We’re instinctively drawn to people that laugh easily and make us laugh.

When you’re fun to be with and know how to make people laugh, you’ll find yourself surrounded by others who genuinely enjoy your company. It’s a lot like this long-lost art.

Think of the most popular people you know; are they upbeat with a wonderful sense of humor?

Break your sense of humor out, and you’re going to meet more people and create more opportunities than you thought possible.

Just by laughing and having a great sense of humor.

Stop Being So Selfish

Photo by Justin Young on Unsplash

Stop being selfish, and laugh more!

Your mood, words, and actions affect those around you more than you think.

When you’re in a bad mood, it negatively impacts others.

But the real you — The smiling, happy, laughing you — uplifts others and brightens their moods as well.

Even as much as a smile when you’re walking down the street can change a person’s day.

Laugh to Strengthen Your Relationships

people holding a heart
Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

Laughing together brings you closer together, too.

Relationships with your friends, family, kids, significant other — you name it — can all benefit from laughing and the positivity it brings.

It keeps relationships fresh and exciting, and it’s a powerful way to handle disagreements by triggering positive feelings and positive emotional connection that’ll stick.

Work to keep the laughter flowing in your relationships.

Do You Want to Get Smarter?

Photo by ALAN DE LA CRUZ on Unsplash

As if that wasn’t enough, laughter can increase your intelligence.

Who doesn’t want that?

Here’s a fun quote to tell you the rest:

“Neurobiology shows that laughter triggers brain changes, which may hint at the link between humor and intelligence.

According to neurologists, experiencing positive emotional states, such as joy, fun, and happiness, increases dopamine production in the brain. Which triggers the learning centers of the brain, thus enhancing our creativity and flexibility.”


So it feels a lot like you should start to…

Laugh More to Stress Less and Enhance Your Life

horse laughing — laugh more and stress less
Photo by Dan Cook on Unsplash

There’s no way around it; adding laughter and humor in your life is excellent for you on almost every level.

No matter what life is throwing at you now, or throws at you in the future, if you make humor a part of your life (that sticks), it will positively affect you and everyone around you.

Don’t hate me for it, but I have to say it (I’ve been biting my tongue this whole time):

Laughter really may be the best medicine.



Jay Gross

Jay Gross is a writer, podcast host, lives to travel, with an unhealthy mango obsession. Focused on personal growth. Find him at