Having a Bad Day? 4 Simple Ways You Can Make it Better

Jay Gross
4 min readApr 19, 2021
Photo by Andre Hunter on Unsplash

You wake in the morning and as you’re laying in bed, mentally preparing for the workday, you just have this feeling.

Maybe it's in your head.

Maybe it’s in your heart.

Or maybe it's in the pit of your stomach.

But it’s dark and perilous. Maybe even menacing.

And you just know it’s going to be one of those days.

A day in which you’d much rather just lay on the couch and hide from everyone and everything altogether.

But if you’re like me, you’ve done that before too. And it just makes the next day even worse.

The point is, we all have bad days — we’re only human, after all.

When I wake up with that feeling in the pit of my stomach, there are a few things I do to shake it off like a bad case of the fleas.

Heck, whenever I’m feeling the bad day blues coming on, I make an effort to thwart it as soon as possible — even if the alarm’s going off and I’m still laying in bed.

And you should too.

What’ve you got to lose? They’re easy, quick, and you’ll feel better in no time.

1. Smile at Life

“Life is like a mirror, smile at it and it smiles back at you”

Here’s the truth: When you’re happy, it makes you smile.

But did you know that when you smile, it makes you happy?

And maybe the best thing about smiling, it makes others happy too. Whether you know them, you’re sitting in their section for breakfast, or you’re just passing them on the street.

So do yourself (and everyone around you) a favor, and when you’re putting together your outfit for the day, don’t forget the smile.

2. The Ultimate Trifecta

sun shining over the ocean and palm trees silhoutted
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One of the best things you can do for yourself if you’re having a bad day is to get outside and take in some fresh air.

Do you want to make it even better? Get a little dose of sunshine, it can work wonders:

  • The sun’s UV rays help your body make vitamin D.
  • It also helps you to use minerals like calcium.
  • It also helps set your body’s internal clock if you get it in the morning (which will help you sleep better at night).
  • Most importantly for feeling better, though, it helps boost serotonin to give you more energy and keep you calm, positive, and focused.

And while you’re out there, why don’t you take a little walk? Walking can boost stress-busting endorphins as well as feel-good endorphins.

This trifecta is the ultimate power-move to make yourself feel so much better.

3. Take Some of the Best Medicine

man laughing hysterically with a tree in the background
Photo by Brian Lundquist on Unsplash

We talked about how smiling can benefit you and make your day better, but the ultimate day improver is a good old belly laugh.

It really is the best medicine.

It strengthens your immune system, protects you from the damaging effects of stress, diminishes pain, connects you with others, and release anger. Oh yeah, and the point of this article — it also boosts your mood.

So talk to an old friend, watch a rerun of your favorite episode of Seinfeld, or just go out for a happy hour and meet some new people to laugh with.

4. Do Good to Be Good

When you take the time to brighten someone else’s day, it also brightens yours.

Just the feeling of helping someone is enough to make you feel better. But the icing on the cake is the smile and hug the lady gives you after helping her load her groceries in her car, or the tears of joy you see when you drop off a Christmas present to those less fortunate. Or even the look of wonder and excitement when you do random acts of kindness and pay for someone’s tab, and they have no idea who it was.

Do good to be good.

Wash Away Your Bad Day

Photo by Fernando Brasil on Unsplash

The next time you’re having a bad day, make a decision to flip your day around.

Don’t let that feeling overwhelm you and take over your day.

Because we all know it will if you let it. We’ve all been there. And the next thing you know, it’s evening and you’re still having a bad day. In fact, it’s probably compounded and gotten even worse.

Instead, cut it off at the pass, and don’t let it take over.

Anytime you start to feel that sinking feeling, try one or two of these on for size for a few minutes, you’ll be amazed at how much they can help.



Jay Gross

Jay Gross is a writer, podcast host, lives to travel, with an unhealthy mango obsession. Focused on personal growth. Find him at www.lifenextlevel.com.