2 Ultimate Questions to Ask Yourself on Your Personal Growth Journey

Jay Gross
3 min readJun 23, 2021


changing for personal growth. tree with all the ways you can change and grow.
Image by John Hain from Pixabay

I had just moved to Hawaii and lost my girlfriend and best friend.

The first person I talked to every morning and the last person I talked to every day decided she was no longer going to move to Hawaii with me.

And there I was, in Hawaii in a job I decided I didn’t like, extremely lonely, and spiraling towards rock-bottom.

I’m still not exactly sure how to put it into words, but as much as I loved my girlfriend at the time, I knew that wasn’t the only reason I was struggling so much.

Sometimes, I’ve realized, you cover wounds without allowing them to heal. Sometimes you cover the things you don’t like in your life with those that you do, and you tell yourself that it’s “good enough.”

Which works for awhile, until you lose those bandages. Something bad happens in life and all of a sudden all those old wounds are exposed.

All that unhappiness that you bury deep, suddenly comes back to the surface.

And that’s where I found myself.

Sometimes Life Takes Something You Want…

woman sitting on a bench staring at the sunset, meditation, sprituality, wellness
Photo by Sage Friedman on Unsplash

I’m not entirely sure who first said it, but I recall hearing it from Tim Ferriss and it’s meant a lot to me ever since.

It’s a damn good quote and I ponder it often.

Sometimes life takes something you want in order to give you something you need.

And that’s exactly what happened to me.

I wanted to live the dream that my Ex and I had planned — to live in Hawaii, start a yoga studio, and enjoy our free time hiking and scuba diving.

But I didn’t realize at the time how unhappy I was with the way the rest of my life was setting up.

It was comfortable, and comfort is not me.

What is me is traveling, helping others, starting businesses — in other words, getting out of my comfort zone.

Not confined to it and feeling trapped.

Don’t get me wrong, many people are happy with living a comfortable life, and that’s great — it’s just not me.

The Question(s) to Ask Yourself…

question mark pile with one orange and one blue
Image by Arek Socha from Pixabay

So what’s a person to do when they realize they haven’t been living their best life, but they want to?

Well I dove into Tim Ferriss, James Altucher, Tony Robbins (and many, many more). I read books, listened to podcasts, listened to books, bought classes.

Anything that helped me to shift my life into a life I loved.

I hired a coach, and made my short-term and long-term plan.

And through these experiences, a couple of somewhat related questions always made me think deeply and journal about my thoughts.

And I think you should give it a shot too.

Grab a piece of paper and a pen and think about these questions for twenty minutes.

And do it tomorrow morning, too.

The more you do it, the more clarity you’re going to get.

  1. What’s getting in the way of you being exactly who you want to be?
  2. What would you do if there were no fear?

If done right, these questions can help you identify what you truly want to do in your life, and will help you to identify your internal and external roadblocks.

And once you know, and the more you meditate with it, you can then start doing something about it.

Just a little at a time.

I’d love to hear some of your answers, so feel free to leave your answers (or ask questions) in the comments section.

Hi I’m Jay Gross. Mango-obsessed life coach, business coach, mindset coach. Also, a writer and creator focused on mindset, personal growth, and business. Helping others to live their best life one day at a time. Find me at www.lifenextlevel.com or email me at jay@lifenextlevel.com.



Jay Gross

Jay Gross is a writer, podcast host, lives to travel, with an unhealthy mango obsession. Focused on personal growth. Find him at www.lifenextlevel.com.